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Thankful For...?

Gratitude will change your life.
A Spirit of Gratitude

The topic of gratitude is near and dear to me and is a recurring theme here at Chill Life because I believe that maintaining a spirit of gratitude is essential to experiencing a rich life that can be enjoyed with plenty of peace. With peace comes relaxation, and relaxation is essential to live a chill life. Has my life been difficult at times? Sure it has. We've all experienced grief, loss, pain, sufferings, hardships and frustrations, and some of us more than others. You see, when we risk loving deeply then we expose ourselves to the pain associated with loss. When we risk truly living and doing then we also risk possible injury and pain. Okay, stay with me on this thought. It won't take long. Over the last 4,000 years all humanity has experienced the same emotions of this life that you and I have experienced. Times and places have offered peace and tranquilty to some, and death and destruction to others. I want you to think about your life for a moment. The place and time in which you exist. Could you have been born in a better place and time, or maybe a worse place and time? Could your circumstances be much better, or much worse?

Abraham Lincoln declared a day of thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Holiday Proclamation

I'm reminded of those first brave puritans who sailed across the turbulent and violent Atlantic Ocean during hurricane season only to arrive at the coast of Massachusett with old man winter knocking on the door. They waited out the frigid winter on the Mayflower as over half the crew and passengers died from the extreme cold and sicknesses. Half of the remaining puritans died the following year. As the third autumn approached, the remaining 20 puritans finally had a bountiful harvest thanks to good weather and friendly natives who taught them to farm, hunt and gather shellfish. The new settlers were so thankful to have plenty of shelter and food for the coming winter that they decided to celebrate with a three day feast that they shared with over 100 natives. Yes, this was the inspiriation that President Abraham Lincoln garnished to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday in the USA. Even more impressive is the fact that he did this in 1863 in the face of a raging Civil War that had this young nation torn apart. With bloodshed and tragedy occuring in the lives of so many Americans, President Lincoln still found a spirit of gratitude for so much.

This topic of thankfulness begs the question we must all ask ourselves. How can I live a consistant life of gratitude? Because the alternative is really no life at all. To be defeated and hopeless is to live life as a zombie, enslaved to anger and dispair and this kind of existance breeds darkness in people. To recognize the smallest blessings and to be thankful for the small, simple things in life leads to joy and contentment... to a bright and radiant life. Maintaining a spirit of gratitude can change everything for you. I'm grateful that I didn't have to endure the hardships that those who set sail on the Mayflower endured. I'm grateful that I didn't have to march into musket balls at the wheat fields in Gettysburg, PA. I'm grateful that I live in a time and place where I am free to choose my occupation, enjoy passive hobbies, have fresh drinking water and where I can take a hot shower inside my home at anytime. I'm grateful for my beautiful wife and children, and that I have family and friends who love me and care about me. I'm grateful that I have sight and can take in the beauty of this world through my eyes. I'm grateful I can hear and enjoy music. I'm grateful for every single meal set before me. I'm grateful for the challenging times that have taught me humility, and also how to gain some grit. I'm grateful for my medical staff who have served me so well over the last five years. I'm grateful for a faith based on love and not condemnation. I'm grateful for every single day that I wake. I could go on and on.

Thankful for family
The Gray Family

So, for what are you grateful? I'd really like to know your "I'm thankful for..." list if you feel so inclined to share them in the comments section below. I hope that you have an amazing Thanksgiving Day and I hope that it is filled with gratitude.


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