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Dancing Queen by ABBA

Dancing Queen

You may be missing out in life…

10. If star gazing doesn’t make you wonder

9. If a baby’s laughter annoys you

8. If nature doesn’t move your soul

7. If you’ve never made something with your hands

6. If you know more about celebrities than your grandparents

5. If you spend more time looking at a screen than a sunset

4. If you've never seen a snow flake under a microscope

3. If you don’t have a passive hobby

2. If you’ve never laughed until you can’t breath

1. If you've never listen to the song Dancing Queen by ABBA

Life is a gift, and is actually quite short. Our wish for you this upcoming year is that you take inventory of what is actually valuable to you, and then make some positive changes that elevate your impact in this world, and that will bring you peace and happiness. Happy New Year!

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