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Chin Up - Pluvicto Treatment

My Northside Hospital Oncology Group contacted me a few days ago to schedule a new form of treatment called Pluvicto. Pluvicto is a nano-probe technology that will launch a targeted attack on the diseased cells using radioactive isotopes. Whaaaaat???!!!! This sounds like Star Wars technology in real life. I always wanted to be Luke Skywalker. :)

Luke Skywalker healing in the Bacta Tank
The Bacta Tank, Star Wars

Even after four years of treatments, it's still surreal to think that I'm even having to go through this health crisis. It's just that I've been so stinking healthy my entire life, and I still feel really great most of the time although the effects of chemotherapy on my body is beginning to cause a few new aches and pains. Sometime it's difficult to distinguish side effects from the process of simply aging, but overall, I'm doing quite well. Successfully battling a serious health issue begins in our heads. I'm no expert for sure, but I have learned that a positive mental attitude coupled with a lot of laughter are paramount in the fight for health and life. Cultivating a strong faith, having a loving family and encouraging friends along with maintaining a spirit of gratitude are the primary ingredients that feed a positive outlook that results in healing.

Garrett & Sherrie entertaining us making jug music
Kayla & Garrett Keeping Me Laughing

As I prepare to climb back into the ring on November 2nd, I will not allow my anxious thoughts to remain as I must turn my focus to the winning recipe of love, laughter and gratitude. Each new day is a precious gift, and my October schedule is filled with wonderful opportunities to live, love, work and play. Garrett and Kayla are always more than willing to provide the laughter part of my mental therapy. Adult children are the BEST!

Scott plays in an R&B cover band for fun
Out Of The Blue

Music continues to feed my soul as I rehearse with my dear friends in the band Out Of The Blue in preparation for the Dahlonega Gold Rush Festival. I'm enjoying writing blogs and promoting Chill Life, cruising in the convertible, making home improvements, killing Joro spiders and learning to cook. Sherrie and I will also be busy making dietary preparations as she assembles herbal and holistic recipes that will promote health and energy during my treatments.

Sherrie enjoys making healthy alternatives
Sherrie Making Natural Remedies

I've found that attention to my diet is essential to maintaining good health to offset potential negative side effects of treatments. I'm going to be in that ring and swinging for quite some time with my last treatment scheduled for June 24, 2024, so keeping the proper balance of vitamins and nutrients will play a crucial role in my ability to maintain an active life. While I'm talking about Sherrie, I have to say that she has been such a blessing to me as she provides emotional support and is my most encouraging cheerleader. To have someone who is willing to "share the load" is so important to maintain a positive attitude.

Scott keeping a positive attitude
Provenge Treatments

Another important factor in navigating a health crisis is to have confidence in your medical team. My oncology group at Northside Hospital has been very thorough providing me with the best care and treatments to battle this aggressive disease. I cannot say enough about my doctors and their extraordinary care as I navigate this battle for my life.

As I reflect on my health journey and the requirements for maintaining a positive attitude and outlook, it is the outpouring of love and support that I've received from family, friends and even strangers that brings healing and health to my body. It is truly humbling to know that I'm loved by so many and that I'm lifted in prayer daily. No matter how long we live on this planet, it's actually a pretty short trip around the sun. I enourage you to make the most of every moment. Love deeply. Forgive abundantly. Seek truth. Be brave. Laugh often. Don't fear. Be kind. Listen intensely. Give grace. Be daring. Don't judge. Ask questions. Be generous. Fertilize imagination. Be still. Smile big. Be thankful. CHIN UP!


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