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Be Unique

singing with passion

I'm not sure why, but I've always resisted conformity. As I child it sometimes landed me in trouble with teachers. As an adult, it can draw odd stares from judgmental folks. I enjoy walking to the beat of my own drum, and I enjoy the moments I see others doing the same. I am thankful that we are uniquely made individuals who offer so many different personalities, looks, talents, desires, strengths and passions.

If you have ever wished to be like someone else then let me encourage you today with affirmation that you have been uniquely made, and that you are gifted in your own special way. Even if you haven't yet discovered all the amazing and varied qualities you possess, know that your individual potential is out there waiting for you to realize your unique role in this short journey called "life". Too many people are afraid of being different, and yet, our differences are what makes this world an exciting and fun place. "Conformity"... booooo... what a drag. Learning to accept who you are and what makes you "tick" is vital for good mental health. To live a life trying to please others by becoming someone you are not, or by trying to fit into the crowd, is a path to certain frustrations and disappointments. We often see this behavior during adolescence which is quite normal, however, many people never mature past this phase of their life. I've witnessed grown adults spending an exhausting amount of time, energy and money trying to fit into their pier groups placing them in a prison that they didn't even realize existed.

best friends
Suzy Q & Sherrie

To find joy and fulfillment in this life you must find and travel on your own path. True friends want to see you realize success and will encourage you to follow your own unique dreams. Fake, or shallow friends may only want you around out of convenience, for fun or to affirm themselves and their ideals. True friends understand that they don't have to agree on every topic and that they love one another even with their differences. True friends can be themselves around each another. How refreshing and effortless is this kind of relationship? Unfortunately, I have observed far too many people who are living to please others and are desperately yearning for attention and acceptance from those around them. Again, if you find yourself wearing these heavy shoes then I implore you to spend time searching your soul to discover your personal uniqueness and giftedness. Never forget that you are the handy work of the most creative and fierce Creator, and you were made in His likeness. This means that you possess unlocked potential within to be an amazing and unique human being that really doesn't need to conform to, or follow others. This crippling condition is made even worse as social media sites have rocketed our image into celebrity status which we know is just an illusion. For most adolescents, social media is crushing their self esteem and true identity while creating a delusional state of mind in others. If you are a parent reading this blog then please do whatever is necessary to limit your child's time and exposure to that screen.

Renaissance Festival
Garrett Diving Into The Past

I challenge you to resist conforming to the "norm". To discover your own uniqueness and to find the freedom found in living your own life on your own terms. Stop trying to impress others with a fake you, when many of the "others" are shallow relationships and just passing acquaintances. Set your bar a bit higher to call someone your friend. Define for yourself just what a "friend" should be to you. And, for Pete's sake, (Whatever that means? Maybe a song by The Monkees?) stop trying to be like the stars and celebrities you watch on the screen. These folks sit on the toilet and crap just like you. Most of them employ personal psychiatrists because they are so mentally whacked. Celebrate who YOU ARE! Celebrate your unique qualities and express them unapologetically, unless of course those qualities are poor ones. Shed the poor qualities and feed the good ones. Soon you'll be getting odd stares too, and guess what? You won't care. Now that's real freedom.


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